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Halimaw Night

The Challenge

One of the most glaring challenges to full electrification in the Philippines is the country’s archipelagic nature, consisting of over 7,600 islands.

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Approximately 2.7 million Filipino households, or roughly 13% of the population, live without access to electricity

Halloween Party & Fundraiser October 29 - Funkloch Wildenbruchstr. 68, Berlin-8.png

The Creativity

We hosted a Halloween Party & Fundraiser with the theme of Philippine monsters, or “Halimaw.”

It was a whole-day event, with a kids party in the morning and an adult party in the evening.

We used the allure of Philippine folklore, like the flesh-eating Mananaggal, or the cigar-smoking Kapre, to raise awareness and interest for the reality of indigenous Filipinos living in remote areas without access to electricity or light.

The Social Impact

To provide the Tagbanuas a solar energy grid that can offer them a renewable, cost-free source of energy to provide lights, ventilation, and access to digital learning at Balay Tarahomonan.​


euros raised


families who received solar lamps


primary and secondary level students


Learn more about Halimaw Night in our 2022 Impact Report

Thank you to our partners

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